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In Bible Study, Blog, Numbers on
March 14, 2022

Lifted Up

We are a forgetful people.

Unlike our omniscient God, we forget things all the time, and human beings have been like this since the very beginning. Adam and Eve forgot God’s command about the tree in the middle of the garden and ate its fruit. The kings of Israel and Judah forgot that they served the one true God of the universe and led their nations to worship foreign idols. The Jews forgot what the Scriptures had taught them about the coming Messiah and rejected Jesus when He claimed to be the prophesied one. The early churches forgot the teachings of the apostles and quickly fell back into their old sinful ways. Today, we forget even the smallest of tasks like watering our plants, switching the laundry, or checking for mail.

There’s always a consequence for forgetfulness. When we don’t water our plants, they wither and die. When we don’t switch the laundry, our wet clothes get musty and smelly. When we don’t check for mail, we can miss our bills or even have a package stolen (and also annoy our postal worker). Israel was known for being quite forgetful, and they endured some pretty harsh consequences for their forgetfulness—one of these consequences being the deadly bite of fiery serpents.

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