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In Blog, Book Reviews, Trust on
December 2, 2019

You Can Trust God to Write Your Story

I LOVE stories! Whether it be in books, movies, or TV shows, I love getting invested in the characters’ lives and stories. For me, reading or watching these stories is almost like an escape from the busyness and craziness of my life.

My favorite types of stories are mysteries and crime dramas. Whodunits always have me on the edge of my seat and my mind scrambling to decipher the clues and discover who the criminal is. If a story has a mystery to figure out, a crime to solve, or a bad guy to catch, I’m interested!

You may not love mysteries and crime dramas like I do, but you probably do have some other book or movie genre that you enjoy and keeps you interested in the story. In whatever stories you read and watch, there’s likely some twists and turns or conflicts that keep you engaged. And while we love these twists and turns in others’ stories, we hate them in our own.

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