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In Blog, Book Reviews, Sanctification on
September 23, 2019

Sick of Me

You are loved. You are worthy. You are enough. You are strong. You are victorious. You got this. Live your best life. Believe in yourself. Care for yourself.

Sound familiar? These messages are preached to us all the time, especially in Christian circles. While these sayings are partially true, they all have one major problem. They’re all focused on YOU!

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In Attributes of God, Blog, Theology on
September 9, 2019

His Aseity

If someone were to ask you to name an attribute of God, what would you say? Maybe you’d say love, grace, or mercy. Maybe you’d say justice, righteousness, or holiness. These are all pretty well-known attributes of God that we hear about a lot in church, and they all describe amazing aspects of who God is. But God is so much more than love or justice (and that it definitely something to be thankful for!). God has so many wonderful characteristics, and some are not that well-known. One of these lesser-known attributes is “aseity”.

In Blog on
August 26, 2019

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi there!

My name is Tristany, and I am a lover of God’s Word.

Our lives are constantly busy, and we always have things to do, places to go, and people to see. Everything and everyone are vying for our attentions, and sometimes the One who deserves all our attention receives very little of it.

Thankfully, God has gifted us with the Bible, His revelation of Himself, to teach us who He is and how we can better serve Him. It equips us to trust and obey God, and it encourages us as we live out our faith. My hope is that this blog will point you toward Christ and instill a love for God’s Word in your heart. I hope that you would discover the truth and beauty of the Bible and make reading and studying it a priority in your life.

So you know a little more about me… I’m an online student at Liberty University, and I graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Religion: Biblical and Theological Studies in December (yay!). I will be pursuing a Master’s degree in Biblical Exposition afterwards. I am an avid reader, amateur photographer, world traveler, and everyday Bible student. I love flowers, vintage things, and oldies music.

I pray that God would be glorified through this blog and that you would grow closer to Him.

Tristany Corgan

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