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Biblical Literacy

In Bible Study, Blog, Book Reviews on
July 31, 2022


As you can probably tell from the dozens of book reviews I have written, I love to read, and reading has been one of my favorite hobbies ever since I was a child. I like to read all kinds of different books, from Christian living and theology to classic fiction and mystery, from nonfiction and memoir to dystopian and romantic suspense.

I read different types or genres of books for different reasons. If I want to grow in a particular area of my faith, I’ll pick up a Christian living book. If I want to read something engaging and entertaining, I’ll grab a fun novel. If I want to learn about something in culture or politics, I’ll choose some nonfiction. And if I’m looking for an easy, comfort read, I’ll turn to a book I’ve read many times before.

Every book genre is different from the others, and they each have a particular style and purpose. And it’s the same with the Bible. The Bible is one book, but it contains several different genres with completely different styles, tones, and features. As Kristie Anyabwile argues in her new book, Literarily, knowing the genre of each biblical book is the only way we can truly understand the messages of the Scriptures.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Book Reviews on
March 22, 2021

How to Eat Your Bible

The Bible can be a very daunting book. It’s a collection of sixty-six books that were originally written in Hebrew and Greek by over forty different men thousands of years ago. These books fall into all kinds of different genres – from history to poetry, from letters to prophecy. Because of this, many people choose to not read it.

According to Barna’s 2020 State of the Bible report, forty-six percent of Americans rarely read the Bible (if at all) and an additional ten percent of Americans read it sporadically. Only nine percent of Americans read their Bible on a daily basis. There are numerous reasons why Americans are so disengaged with the Bible. The language can be difficult to understand, the stories can be confusing, and the layout can be hard to navigate. Americans don’t understand the Bible’s background, they don’t have time to read it, and they’re just not excited about it.[1]

We suffer from biblical illiteracy. We don’t understand what the Bible says and what it means, and we often are too intimidated to even try. But we, as Christians, must strive to read and understand the Bible because it has the power to transform us and sanctify us and draw us closer to God. We must dive deeper into Scripture, but that’s not as difficult as it sounds! In his book How to Eat Your Bible, Nate Pickowicz provides a simple approach.

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