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In Blog, Thanksgiving, Theology on
November 25, 2019

In ALL Circumstances

What are you thankful for?

If you haven’t already thought about this question, you probably will within the next few days (if you live in the States). In between stuffing turkeys, baking pies, getting together with family and friends, and watching football, we reflect on all that we have to be thankful for.

And some of us have a lot!

We have good food on our tables and reliable roofs over our heads. We stay busy at good jobs, or we spend our days with happy and healthy little ones. We have good relationships with our family and friends, and we know we can always rely on them. There’s plenty for us to be thankful for.

But for some of us, being thankful is not so easy.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Galatians on
November 18, 2019

No Longer a Slave

Do you ever feel like you just can’t help doing something you know is bad? Maybe you just can’t stop gossiping about a family member or coworker.  Maybe you just can’t forgive that person who hurt or irritated you. Maybe you find yourself making comparisons with others, which causes you to become jealous or envious. Maybe you would call yourself a people-pleaser because you do everything to make sure others are happy with you or accept you. Maybe you often become passive-aggressive or manipulative if things don’t go how you thought they would.

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In Blog, Book Reviews, Identity on
November 4, 2019

If You Only Knew

If you only knew who I am, what I’ve done, you wouldn’t think of me the same way.

Has this thought ever crossed your mind before? I know it’s crossed mine. Sometimes I’m afraid of people knowing me, really knowing me. I try to protect myself by putting up a wall and pretending that I’m the perfect, happy church girl. But I’m not perfect, and life isn’t always happy.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Galatians on
October 28, 2019

One in Christ Jesus

We live in a beautifully diverse world. No two people are the same. God created all of us different. We all look different, act differently, and think differently. And this is truly beautiful! Unfortunately, our diverse thoughts and opinions are often the cause of a lot of division and disunity. Gone are the days when people could civilly disagree with each other. Nowadays, if you disagree with someone, you are looked down upon and shunned, or, in more extreme cases, you are harassed and attacked. Though the people of our world are divided against each other, the people of God are to be united.

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In Attributes of God, Blog, Theology on
October 21, 2019

He is Eternal

Ten out of ten humans living on this earth right now will die one day. Because of this, many, if not most, people try in some way, shape, or form to delay their aging and/or death. Some exercise thirty minutes a day for five days a week, or they participate in CrossFit or yoga. Others try diets like Whole30 or Keto, and they cut out things like carbs, sugar, or gluten. Some buy myriads of anti-aging creams, and others color their hair to cover up their grays. None of these things last. Unless the Lord decides to return during our lifetimes, we will die. But humans aren’t the only things that die. All living things die: animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. There is one Being, though, who has never died, and He was never born either. That Being is God the Father.

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