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In Blog, Book Reviews, Spiritual Growth on
September 25, 2022

Embrace Your Life

Life was not going as planned.

I graduated with my master’s degree in May last year, and I had planned on getting a full-time job as soon as I was finished. As I neared my final day of classes, I began looking for jobs and submitting applications, but nothing was panning out. After graduation, weeks and months passed by. Holidays and special events came and went, and I still did not have a job. I became depressed and confused as to why I couldn’t find a good job. Thankfully, after ten very long months of waiting and hoping, I finally started in a full-time job, and as I look back, I can see that God moved me out of my old position and into my new one at just the perfect time.

However, not every situation in my life has turned out quite like this. There have many times where I wished and hoped and prayed for something to happen for weeks, months, years. I was absolutely convinced that everything would work out the way I had planned and dreamed. But it never did. My prayers appeared unanswered. My dreams were unfulfilled. And I was left in a perpetual state of longing, wondering what in the world God was doing in my life.

Over the years, I’ve had to learn embrace the life I’ve been given, which is exactly what Elizabeth Woodson’s new book is all about.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Psalm on
March 27, 2022

Truly Blessed

The word “blessed” has become somewhat of a cliche in our society. Its meaning has become synonymous with social media posts of beautiful family portraits, expensive vacations, and amazing opportunities, all with the caption of #blessed. When someone says they are #blessed, they are usually referring to all the good things in their life that they have earned or received.

But what if you don’t have these good things? What if your family situation isn’t that beautiful? What if you’re struggling financially, living paycheck to paycheck, never able to go anywhere special or do anything nice? What if you feel like everyone is moving on and moving up in their lives, except you? Does this mean that you’re somehow #notblessed, that God doesn’t care about you enough to give you some of these good things?

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In Blog, Book Reviews, Suffering on
November 29, 2021

More Than a Healer

Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus healed a lot of people. He healed the sick (Matthew 8:13). He healed the blind (Matthew 20:34). He healed the lame (John 5:8-9). He healed the afflicted (Mark 5:29). He healed lepers (Matthew 8:2-3). He healed the demon-possessed (Matthew 12:22). He even healed those who were dead (Luke 7:14-15). Jesus was known as a healer, and everywhere He went, people would flock to Him, hoping that they or their loved one would finally receive respite from their suffering.

Because of His great healing ministry, we often expect Jesus to heal us today. Preachers across America and all across the world teach this idea that it is always God’s will to heal us physically. This teaching is fueled by verses like Isaiah 53:4-5 – 

“Yet He Himself bore our sicknesses, and He carried our pains… He was pierced because of our rebellion, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on Him, and we are healed by His wounds.” (CSB)

But you and I both know that our lives are not free from sickness, pain, or injury. There are times when we pray and pray and pray for someone to be healed, and they never receive healing during their time on this earth. The preachers I mentioned earlier would just say that we simply do not have enough faith. But this is not true, and Costi Hinn addresses this dangerous lie in his newest book, More Than a Healer.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Philippians on
May 3, 2021

All Things Through Christ

One of the most popular and well-known Bible verses is Philippians 4:13. It’s a particular favorite of many Christian athletes, and it appears on numerous Christian Instagram bios. But Philippians 4:13 is also one of the most misused and abused verses of the Bible. Christians often take it out of context and use it in a way that attempts to manipulate God’s power to serve their own wants and desires. But when we look at the context of this popular and misused Bible verse, we will see that its true message is far more comforting and encouraging.

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In Attributes of God, Blog, Theology on
November 16, 2020

He is Jealous

“Oh, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.”-Shakespeare, Othello[1]

Jealousy is something that everyone struggles with, and it can also be known as envy or covetousness. We can be jealous of those who seem smarter, stronger, faster, or better-looking than us. We can be envious of someone’s popularity, power, or relationships. We can covet the stuff and money that other people have. Sometimes it seems that this green-eyed monster is lurking behind every corner, always trying to rob us of our contentment and destroy the relationships we do have.

But is jealousy always bad? 

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