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In Blog, Common Questions, Theology on
May 22, 2023

Is Gender Identity a Matter of Choice?

The subject of gender identity has become one of the most hotly debated topics in today’s culture. Can a person “identify” as the opposite gender if they feel that is their true identity? Does a transgender individual have to medically transition before identifying as the opposite sex? How will this affect women’s protected spaces, like bathrooms, locker rooms, and jails? Is it fair to allow transgender individuals to compete against biological women? These are just a handful of the questions that are discussed in the media regarding gender identity, and they don’t even include the other 103 genders that are supposedly out there.[1]

According to the State of Theology survey conducted by Ligonier Ministries in 2022, forty-two percent of Americans believe that gender identity is simply a matter of choice. This is probably not a surprising number, as the acceptance and approval of the transgender movement are higher than ever before in our secular society. However, what may be surprising is the large number of Evangelicals who also agree with this claim. According to the same survey, about thirty-seven percent of people with Evangelical beliefs agree that someone’s gender identity is their own personal choice.[2]

This percentage is staggering. About one third of professing Evangelical Christians believe that one’s gender identity is based on their feelings rather than their body. This is a radically unbiblical belief, and if we’re not careful, it will continue to pervade and infiltrate churches all over America. When evaluating our answer to this question, we must rely on what the Bible teaches rather than what the world or our own feelings tell us.

So, let’s answer it. Is gender identity a matter of choice?

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In Biblical Theology, Blog, Book Reviews on
January 24, 2022

God of All Things

Have you ever walked outside at sunset and reflected on the glory and majesty of God? Have you ever hiked on mountain or canyon trails and pondered His omnipotence and grandeur? Have you ever observed wildflowers growing along the roadside or birds flitting about in the sky and meditated on God’s sovereign providence and His care for His creation? If so, you have greatly benefitted from general revelation, which refers to how God reveals Himself to mankind through nature (Romans 1:20).

It’s easy to see who God is and what He is like through the beautiful things of this world, like sunrises, waterfalls, oceans, flowers, and rainbows. But is it possible to learn about God through ordinary things, like dust, salt, or livestock? Can we learn who God is through even dangerous and destructive things, like storms, earthquakes, and viruses? Andrew Wilson, author of God of All Things, says the answer is yes.

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In Attributes of God, Blog, Theology on
March 15, 2021

He is Omnipotent

You can do anything you put your mind to! You can do anything if you just believe in yourself!

You’ve probably heard these phrases or similar ones thrown around in our culture. While they seem motivating and encouraging on the surface, they are actually not true! I can’t stop a speeding train if I just put my mind to it. I can’t fly or have super speed if I just believe in myself. I can’t do these things because I don’t have the power to do them. Human beings have limited power. But there is Someone who has unlimited power – God.

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In Blog, Theology, Worldview on
March 1, 2021

A Christian Worldview

I got glasses for the first time three years ago. Growing up, I had great vision and never had any need for glasses. But in high school, I started noticing that it was getting more and more difficult for me to see things like information written on classroom whiteboards, sermon notes on the screen at church, and street signs when I was driving. I went to an optometrist, and sure enough, I needed glasses. When I put on my first pair of glasses, everything was so clear and bright, and it was almost like I was seeing a whole new world.

A person’s worldview is a lot like a pair of glasses. One’s worldview is the lens through which they view the world. Just like different eyeglasses prescriptions or sunglasses tints will alter how you see the world around you, different worldviews will alter what you believe about the world. Whether they realize or not, everyone has a worldview. Everyone, even those who claim to be non-religious, holds a set of beliefs that determine how they see the world. And every person’s worldview answers seven key questions about the world – the question of origins, the question of identity, the question of purpose, the question of morality, the question of the problem, the question of the solution, and the question of destiny.

It is important for believers to hold a Christian worldview, to answer these questions in a way that agrees with Scripture and glorifies God. If we don’t, we can easily fall into belief systems that are sinful and worldly and built on lies. Therefore, we must search the Word of God to figure out what a Christian worldview looks like and how it answers these seven key questions.

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