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In Blog, Easter, Theology on
March 17, 2024

The Evidence for Easter

Two thousand years ago, a man named Jesus walked on the earth.

This is a historical fact that even secular scholars will affirm. Jesus of Nazareth was a real person who lived in first century Israel. Even if they don’t believe that Jesus was divine in any way, even if they don’t believe that Jesus performed wonders and miracles during His earthly ministry, they do acknowledge and believe in Jesus’ existence. Even other world religions, like Islam and Baha’i, teach that Jesus was a great prophet and teacher in His day.

What keeps secularists and those who subscribe to other religions from believing in the true Jesus, from professing that Jesus was truly divine? Different people are likely to give different responses, but it really boils down to a disbelief in the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. We live in a post-Enlightenment world, after all, that thrives on science and reason, a society that balks at the ideas of miracles or spiritual afterlives. Coming back from the dead is impossible, something that would quite literally require a miracle. So, for a people who don’t believe in the miraculous, they can’t bring themselves to believe that Jesus could have actually resurrected from the dead, especially three days after the fact.

While Christianity is a religion that is rooted in faith, it’s also based on fact—the fact that Jesus died for our sins and resurrected to give us new life. This isn’t something that we just blindly believe in; there’s evidence that points to the veracity of these claims. And when we review this evidence, we can become more confident in our faith and be emboldened to spread the truth about what really happened in Jerusalem two millennia ago.

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In Blog, Easter, Theology on
March 29, 2021

Once for All

I’ve lived in Florida my entire life, so hurricanes are something I’m very familiar with. A few years ago, category 5 Hurricane Irma was headed towards Florida just a couple weeks after Hurricane Harvey had absolutely devastated the state of Texas. In the days leading up to her landfall, the models projected that the storm would hit our area. Because we lived near the coast at the time, we were ordered to evacuate due to the potential of flooding.

Our family boarded up our windows, packed up our most valuable items, and drove to a friend’s house that was just outside of the evacuation area. After seeing news coverage of what Harvey had done to Texas, I was scared about what might happen to us, and I didn’t sleep much the night that Irma hit. But, by the grace of God, the storm weakened and moved east, and the worst damage we saw near our home was debris on the roads and some uprooted bushes.

Natural disasters, though scary, are natural, and we almost expect to witness at least a disaster or two during our lifetimes. There’s a natural disaster in the Bible, though, that seemed rather unnatural, and its results were likely frightening to those who lived in the area at that time. The cause of this unnatural disaster was the crucifixion of Jesus.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Exodus on
April 6, 2020

Lamb of God

Recently I’ve been reading through the book of Exodus during my daily quiet times. If you haven’t read Exodus before, or if you haven’t read it in a while, the book opens with the nation of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, suffering as slaves in the land of Egypt. They cry out to God, and He hears them and sends a man named Moses to lead them out of their slavery. As the Egyptian Pharaoh persistently refuses to let Israel go, God unleashes terrible plagues upon the land. After the tenth plague, Pharaoh finally releases the Israelites, and they are able to escape to the wilderness. In the wilderness, God begins to instruct Israel on how they are to live as the people of God.

The most pivotal moment in the book is the tenth plague, which was the death of every firstborn in Egypt (Exodus 12). God was going to pass through Egypt to kill all the firstborns, but He warned His people ahead of time. Each household was to take a young male lamb without blemish and kill it to eat. They were also to take some of the lamb’s blood and spread it on the doorway of their homes. Whoever had the blood of a young, unblemished lamb on their doorway that night would be passed over by God and their firstborns would be spared (therefore, the event was called Passover). The Israelites were commanded to celebrate this event every year, and Jews still celebrate Passover to this day.

While this story clearly puts God’s sovereignty, providence, and omnipotence on display, the Passover story in Exodus teaches us something else that we cannot recognize until we look at the New Testament.

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