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In Bible Study, Blog, Hosea on
February 12, 2024

Steadfast Love Over Sacrifice

We wake up early and go the church on Sunday mornings. We read our Bibles daily, checking off each box on our Read the Bible in a Year plan. We promise to pray for our friends in their times of great need. We donate ten percent of our paychecks as a tithe. And if our churches offer them, we attend Wednesday night services, volunteer on the weekends, and send our kids and youth to every event that’s made available for them.

None of these things—church attendance, daily Bible reading, donating or volunteering—are bad things. In fact, they are excellent ways for Christians to spend their time and resources. But they can become problematic when we start seeing these things as items to check off our spiritual to-do list, as things that all “good Christians” ought to do. When this happens, we begin just going through the motions, living the “good Christian” life without ever actually growing closer to God or maturing in our faith. We may even view ourselves as “superior” believers because we’re doing all the “right things,” when in reality those who are doing less may find themselves closer to God’s heart than we are.

The truth is that living the good Christian life is less about our actions and outward appearances and more about our hearts.

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In 1 Peter, Bible Study, Blog on
November 21, 2022

A Chosen People

In my opinion, one of the most rewarding parts of studying the Bible is when you discover a connection between the Old and New Testaments. You’ve read a passage dozens or possibly even hundreds of times, but then one day you read it again, and suddenly a lightbulb goes off, and everything just seems to click. I’ve always loved to solve puzzles and decipher mysteries, so when I feel like I’ve made sense of some mysterious verse in the Bible—whether I discover how an Old Testament prophecy was fulfilled in the New or I recognize when the New Testament is clearly quoting or referring to the Old—I get really excited.

This happened to me a few months ago as I was studying 1 Peter using a Bible study written by Lydia Brownback. I read a pair of verses that I had no doubt read countless times before. All of a sudden, the lightbulb went off, and the passage now had a much deeper and richer meaning than before.

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