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In Bible Study, Blog, Ruth on
December 16, 2024

Refuge and Redeemer

Everybody loves a good underdog story. There’s nothing like watching the unlikeliest of individuals persevere through their difficulties, defy all odds, and come out the other side as victors or heroes. We find these types of tales all throughout Scripture. Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers and falsely accused of trying to take advantage of his master’s wife before he became second in command to the Egyptian Pharaoh. David was just a young shepherd boy with no battle training, and yet he managed to slay a giant who defied the true and living God. Paul was a murderer of Christians before he received a vision of Christ and converted, and despite the many difficulties he encountered after his conversion, he is known today are one of the earliest and greatest Christian evangelists. Though these three men (and many more throughout the Bible) overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles, they did not do so on their own. They each were empowered by the Lord who filled them with strength and provided for their needs. It was the Lord who redeemed them.

There’s another underdog story in the Bible that has been especially popular amongst Christian woman. It’s a story of a young Moabite widow who, though she endured much suffering and heartache, ended up playing a much bigger role in God’s redemptive plan than she ever could have imagined.

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In Blog, Jesus, Theology on
November 17, 2024

The Compassion of Christ

Showing compassion has never been my strong suit. Have you ever taken one of those online spiritual gifts tests? I have—multiple times—and I tend to score very low on the gift of mercy. I’m not quite sure why this is. I’ve never been much of an empathetic person, and I’ve never been one to feel or be in tune with others’ emotions. Compassion just doesn’t always come naturally for me, which can make biblical commands like “put on compassionate hearts” and “bear one another’s burdens” particularly difficult (Galatians 6:2, Colossians 3:12).

But showing compassion is something that I—and every other Christian, for that matter—ought to strive for. Why? It’s not just because Christians are expected to be very nice people, and it’s not just because a couple Bible verses say so (though, that is a good enough reason). We are called to be compassionate because Christ is compassionate. Multiple times in the Gospels, we see Jesus being moved by compassion for the people He ministered to (Matthew 9:36, 14:14; Mark 6:34). As Christians, we ought to imitate our Lord and Savior and show compassion as He did.

Let’s look at three Gospel accounts of Christ’s compassion and what they teach us about Jesus, as well as ourselves.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Matthew on
October 14, 2024

Can I Love Others Before I Love Myself?

What is the greatest commandment? If you’ve spent time studying God’s Word, you probably know the answer: to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind (and all your strength, depending on which Gospel you’re reading). Jesus declared this to be the greatest commandment in the Law when He was speaking to a group of Pharisees who were trying to test Him. Of course, being the omniscient Son of God, Jesus is not one to be outwitted or outsmarted. He replied without hesitation, giving them an answer that not only refers to a specific Old Testament command (Deuteronomy 6:5) but also encompasses the purpose of the entire Law God laid out for His people.

At the same time, Jesus also shares the second greatest commandment, another one you’re likely familiar with: love your neighbor as yourself. What it looks like to love your neighbor has been a highly discussed topic, both in ancient times and recent years. Many professing believers have misused this passage or taken it out of context. Some have used this verse to argue that one cannot love their neighbors until they love themselves, but is this true? Is this really what Jesus meant when He said these words?

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In Blog, Fruit of the Spirit, Theology on
September 15, 2024

Doing Good

Nobody wants to be called a “do-gooder.” Like the name suggests, a do-gooder is a person who does good things. However, the good things a do-gooder does are often not as helpful as they’d like them to be. Their actions are often ineffective, pointless, or even just downright annoying. Even worse than being called a do-gooder is being called a “goody-goody” or a “goody two-shoes,” which implies that you do good things just to please those in authority and that you look down upon those who are not as good as you.

The Bible calls Christians to be good, to do good. In fact, goodness is one of nine attributes listed in the Fruit of the Spirit, the characteristics of the person who is filled with the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). But what does it look like to practice goodness according to Scripture, and how can we avoid earning these monikers as a result of our good deeds?

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In Bible Study, Blog, John on
May 13, 2024

A Tale of Two Sinners

Over the past few years, the deconstruction movement has been on the rise, and it’s driving people out of churches in droves. Deconstruction is essentially the practice of deconstructing or picking apart one’s beliefs until there’s nothing left to have faith in. Instead of sifting through their doctrines to determine what is biblical and what is not, deconstructionists tend to throw the baby out with the bathwater when they realize their church is teaching poor theology or simply teaching something they don’t personally agree with. They abandon the true faith and pursue an unbiblical form of Christianity (most often known as Progressive Christianity), follow another religious or spiritual practice, or choose to claim no religion at all. The number of churchgoers who are leaving the church because they cannot identify or affirm biblical Christianity is truly heartbreaking, and it’s a serious issue that churches all across the country ought to be addressing.

One thing that has baffled me about the deconstruction movement is how two people can grow up in the same family or grow up in the same church and end up with wildly different beliefs about Christianity. There is a very popular, well-known theologian in America who has pastored and authored books for decades. He has a son who has followed in his footsteps, becoming both a pastor and an author. But he has another son who has completely turned his back on Christianity and has even gained fame on TikTok for sharing his deconstructionist views.

When I reflect on this situation, I often think, “How could two boys who grew up in the same Christian home, who attended the same church grow into men who have two starkly different views on God and the Bible?” But there is a narrative in the Gospels that may shine some light on this and reveal that this contradiction of beliefs is not a new phenomenon amongst those who have sat under Christian teachings.

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