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In Blog, Jesus, Theology on
March 7, 2022

Jesus the Christ

Contrary to many people’s belief, “Christ” is not the last name of Jesus. “Christ” is actually more of a title, and it’s the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew word “Messiah.” The fact that Jesus is labeled as “the Christ” is significant because it points to Him being the Messiah, the Savior that Israel had longed for and waited for, generation after generation, ever since the Fall of man.

But this title is much more significant than one might initially realize. It also tells us about the work Jesus did during His earthly ministry and the work He continues to do today. The words “Christ” or “Messiah” translate to mean “the Anointed One.” In Israel, there were three offices of authority that were anointed with oil, and Jesus holds all three of them: prophet, priest, and king.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Habakkuk on
May 31, 2021

Live by Faith

Some of the least read books of the Bible are the Minor Prophets. Though they are short books, they are full of poetic language and imagery that is often difficult to understand and interpret. Because of this, many Christians (especially American Christians) don’t see how these books are at all relevant to their daily lives. But these books are more relevant than you might think.

In one of my last classes of my graduate program, I had to write a brief commentary on the book of Habakkuk for one of my Old Testament classes. I couldn’t have told you the last time I had read Habakkuk or even if I had ever read through the entire book at any time during my Christian life. However, as I began to study and dig deep into the book, I realized that the message of Habakkuk is extremely relevant and necessary for all Christians in this day and age.

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In Attributes of God, Blog, Theology on
December 14, 2020

He is Just

About 3.1 million children around the world die from undernutrition every year.[1] Natural disasters kill around 90,000 people and affect millions more.[2] In 2017, 17.79 million people died from different cardiovascular diseases, 9.56 million people died from cancer, and over 405,000 people were killed by another human being.[3] These numbers are absolutely devastating, and they lead people to ask questions, like “How could a good God let an innocent child die? Where was God in this disaster? How could God let these murderers continue to live?”

We’re not the only ones who ask these questions. People in the Bible asked God the same thing (Jeremiah 12:1, Psalm 89:46). We know God is good, but sometimes we don’t understand why He lets certain things happen. It just doesn’t seem fair.

But God is fair. He is just.

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In Blog, Common Questions, Theology on
November 30, 2020

Do Small Sins Deserve to be Punished?

Everybody sins. We all make mistakes. You don’t have to teach a toddler to say “no” or to disobey their parents. You don’t have to teach a child to cheat on their tests or be mean to their friends. We have an innate desire to sin, and that innate desire never goes away. Throughout our entire lives, we are tempted and lured by sins. And it is only by God’s grace that we are able to resist these temptations.

But we will never be able to fully escape sin while we are living on this earth. So, as a way to justify our sins or assuage our guilt, we often rank our sins. Sins like murder, rape, and abuse are big, terrible sins that surely deserve to be punished. But sins like gossip, envy, or pride are just “small” sins that can just be swept under the rug. They’re seemingly not that big of a deal, and they’re not really hurting anyone. Therefore, many people, including many who claim to be Christians, believe that these little sins don’t deserve punishment.

In their 2020 State of Theology survey, Ligonier Ministries found that sixty-six percent of American adults disagree with the statement, “Even the smallest sin deserves eternal damnation.”[1] But is this belief – the belief that small sins shouldn’t send someone to hell – backed up by Scripture? Do small sins deserve to be punished?

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