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In Bible Study, Blog, Leviticus on
July 4, 2022

Do Christians Have the Freedom to Eat Pork?

Today is the Fourth of July, which means it’s America’s Independence Day. This annual holiday is such a fun one to celebrate. Everyone is dressed in bright red, crisp white, and dark navy blue. The night sky is lit up by fireworks, sparklers, and bonfires. Many spend the day at the beach or the lake. Others watch parades march down Main Street. And a large number of both children and adults engage in eating a classic American food—the glorious hot dog.

Hot dogs aren’t for everyone (I’ve seen some documentaries that have made me question the goodness of that little sausage), but they sure are popular. It’s estimated that Americans consume about 150 million hot dogs every Fourth of July![1] But as a Christian living in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, you may be wondering if you ought to participate in this American ritual. After all, doesn’t the Bible condemn eating pork? And since hot dogs are made out of pork (unless you buy those kosher ones made out of beef), should Christians really be eating hot dogs on the Fourth of July?

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In Blog, Book Reviews, Spiritual Growth on
May 11, 2020

Stop Calling Me Beautiful

You are a beautiful daughter of God.

True? Yes. Encouraging? Perhaps. Helpful? Not really.

This is the message we hear from a lot of Christian women speakers. We see it hand lettered on pretty Instagram pictures. You are beautiful. You are so loved. All you need is Jesus. This is all true. It sounds good. It feels good. But are these sayings really all that helpful?

How does knowing you’re loved help you when you’re struggling with crippling anxiety? How does knowing you’re beautiful help you battle the shame over the damaging sins of your past? How does knowing you need Jesus help you when He seems to be silent as you’re swallowed up in grief? We need something more.

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