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New Age

In Blog, Prosperity Gospel, Theology on
November 28, 2022

If I Name It, Can I Claim It?

A couple of years ago, I was told to watch a certain video at work to see if would make an appropriate workshop for our family support program. The title of the video said it was about forecasting your life with a vision board. At first, I thought that the short workshop would simply be about making and visualizing your goals so that you can achieve them. But as I worked my way through it, I realized that I was greatly mistaken.

Throughout the video, the speaker described her very positive experiences using a vision board. Basically, she would get a corkboard and fill it with dozens of pictures of things that she wanted in her life. Then, she talked about how all of these things happened or fell into her lap without really having to do anything for them. Knowing that I worked with low-income families and that it was highly improbable that they could receive a luxury vehicle or European vacation by pasting a couple pictures on the wall, I swiftly advised my supervisor that we should not utilize the video.

The idea of making a vision board may sound ridiculous. You may wonder how anyone could believe that cutting out a couple pictures of nice things will lead to actually receiving them. But this kind of belief is actually more common than you might think, even in Christian circles. This belief, which has been dubbed “name it and claim it,” is quite popular in many megachurches across the country, and it is an extremely dangerous view of the Christian faith.

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In Blog, Book Reviews, New Age on
September 6, 2021

Deceived No More

Several years ago, my mom worked at a Christian school, and the leadership decided that all the teachers would participate in a brief yoga session after their weekly morning devotions. My mom was extremely uncomfortable with this and decided not to participate, but they justified the decision by saying they would incorporate Christian-y phrases or ideas into the session.

Thankfully, these weekly yoga sessions didn’t last long, but they do reveal just how easy it is for New Age practices and teachings to slip into Christian settings, especially the Church. I’ve seen yoga classes held in church buildings, pastors teaching the law of attraction (if you declare something, it will happen), and sermon series based on the Enneagram.

We must be careful to not allow these practices and beliefs to enter the Church because, as Doreen Virtue writes in her book Deceived No More, New Age and Christianity cannot mix. A church’s acceptance of New Age can only lead to apostasy.

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