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In Bible Study, Blog, Isaiah on
December 20, 2021

A Child is Born

Christmas is a busy time of year. It’s a time of baking cookies, hosting holiday parties, and singing all of your favorite Christmas carols. It’s a time of wrapping presents, drinking hot chocolate, and last-minute shopping for that one family member you didn’t know was coming into town. It’s a time of hanging lights, decorating trees, and watching classic films, like Home AloneChristmas with the Kranks, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. For some, Christmastime is filled with joy and cheer. For others, Christmastime is filled with stress and exhaustion.

No matter what life stage or season we’re in, we all have busy schedules at the end of each year, and we all get to a point where it feels like there is so much to do and so little time to do it all in. But as we attempt to fit in all the festivities and events, we miss something. We forget that Christmas is about more than the gifts and the music and the décor. It’s a day when we are to celebrate the birth of a child. And not just any child, but the Son of God.

What is so special about this child? Why does this boy named Jesus deserve our focus, our reverence, our worship? We can discover the answers to these questions by consulting a roughly 2,700-year-old Jewish prophecy written by a man named Isaiah.

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In Attributes of God, Blog, Theology on
August 30, 2021

He is Sovereign

Human beings do not like to be controlled. We’re born with a tendency to resist what we’re told to do. And if we’re told we can’t have something, we immediately want it. We want to be in charge of our own lives and blaze our own trails! We want to be kings and queens in our own little kingdoms. This tendency goes all the way back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3). The reality is we’re not kings or queens, and there’s very little in this world that we can control one hundred percent of the time. We’re not in charge of this universe. The One who truly is in charge is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and only He is sovereign (1 Timothy 6:15). Our God is sovereign!

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In Attributes of God, Blog, Theology on
April 12, 2021

He is Omnipresent

Have you ever wished you could be in two places at once? Or have you wished you could have a clone of yourself to do all the hard things in your life while you go do the fun things? While your clone is taking college finals, going to work, or deep cleaning your house, you could be hiking the Grand Canyon, backpacking across Europe, or walking along the Great Wall of China! Unfortunately, we don’t have clones, and we are restricted to one body in one place. But we have a God who has no such restrictions-

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