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In Blog, Fruit of the Spirit, Theology on
January 15, 2024

Pursuing Peace

With the rise of the internet and social media, our world is much more connected than ever before. While this kind of technology has brought numerous blessings, it’s also been the cause of many curses. With just a tap or a click, we have access to more information that we can imagine—perhaps more information than we truly need. We watch scenes of political unrest unfold in cities across the country. We read articles about the devastation of wars happening halfway around the globe. We see aggravating posts and comments from people who we would never meet in real life. While some might say that this unhindered access to the world’s information is good for us, many others would argue that it is only causing us to be riddled with anxiety.

Regardless of how much time we spend perusing news sites or scrolling on Facebook, we all likely carry some anxiety about what is happening in our communities, in our cities, and around the world. We are a people who are in desperate need of peace. And thankfully, we have a God who can give that to us.

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In Blog, Book Reviews, Encouragement on
October 24, 2022

A Better Encouragement

Have you ever felt discouraged, down in the dumps, and someone tried to cheer you up with some kitschy phrase like, “You got this!” or “You are enough!” or “Girl, wash your face!”

It’s not that encouraging, right? Sure, it might sound nice in the moment, but when have these little self-help phrases ever actually encouraged you—ever actually strengthened and empowered you to do whatever you needed to do? If we’re being honest with ourselves, these cultural expressions are not truly encouraging. They do not help us when we are weary, and stretched thin, and don’t know how we’re going to make it through the day. Discouragement is a normal part of the human experience, and whether we want to admit or not, all of us need a little encouragement. But as Lindsey Carlson argues in her new book, we, as believers, are in need of a better encouragement.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Luke on
June 20, 2022

Jesus Draws Near to the Hopeless

For many, many years, anxiety has been my nemesis. It looks and feels different from day to day. Sometimes I get this panicky, jittery feeling in my chest or I have difficulty breathing normally. Sometimes I develop stomach aches or become very scatter-brained when I try to think through what needs to get done for the day. Sometimes I’m much more emotional about something than I might normally be. There are some days when I barely feel any anxiety at all, but they are other days when I am absolutely miserable and wish it could all just go away.

I’ve struggled with anxiety for a long time, and I’ve prayed over and over again that the Lord would take it away from me. But He never has. I know there must be a reason that God has allowed me to wrestle with these feelings and symptoms for so long. I know He is no cruel dictator and that He loves me greatly, far greater than anyone else ever could. However, at times, I just feel hopeless, like there’s no hope of ever being free and at peace.

Perhaps you feel the same way—hopeless, like you have no chance of finding any peace or relief from whatever is your greatest struggle. But these people—those who have lost all hope—are exactly the kind of people Jesus draws near to. And we can see this clearly in Jesus’ encounter with a hopeless woman in Luke 8.

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In Blog, Salvation, Theology on
May 16, 2022

Just As If I’d Never Sinned

One Sunday when I was in middle school or early high school, my pastor was teaching about the difference between the three parts of the salvation process: justification, sanctification, and glorification. As he was describing justification, he said “When I am justified, it’s just as if I’d never sinned.” This play on words has always stuck with me and reminded me of what being justified means.

But even this helpful phrase may leave you wondering—What exactly is justification? How is justification possible, and how can I know if I’ve been justified? What happens to me when I’m justified? If you’ve ever considered these questions, keep reading because this post is for you!

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In Bible Study, Blog, Genesis on
May 9, 2022

King of Righteousness, King of Peace

I love a good mysterious movie. A movie where you don’t fully understand the plot or the characters until it reaches the climax. A movie that keeps you guessing until the very end. One in particular that I very much enjoyed was The Murder on the Orient Express, a film that is based on a novel of the same name written by Agatha Christie. As you can imagine, the story focuses on the murder of a man on a train, and the great Belgian detective Hercule Poirot investigates the crime and interviews numerous train passengers with mysterious backgrounds. If you’ve never read the book or watched the movie, I won’t spoil it for you, but the climax of the story when Poirot solves the murder is thrilling!

The Bible has its share of mysterious characters. People that pop in and pop out of the storyline that we know very little about. Men and women that seem so unlikely that we at times wonder if they even really existed. One of the most mysterious characters in all the Bible is a man named Melchizedek, a king who lived during the time of Abraham.

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