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In Blog, Fruit of the Spirit, Theology on
January 15, 2024

Pursuing Peace

With the rise of the internet and social media, our world is much more connected than ever before. While this kind of technology has brought numerous blessings, it’s also been the cause of many curses. With just a tap or a click, we have access to more information that we can imagine—perhaps more information than we truly need. We watch scenes of political unrest unfold in cities across the country. We read articles about the devastation of wars happening halfway around the globe. We see aggravating posts and comments from people who we would never meet in real life. While some might say that this unhindered access to the world’s information is good for us, many others would argue that it is only causing us to be riddled with anxiety.

Regardless of how much time we spend perusing news sites or scrolling on Facebook, we all likely carry some anxiety about what is happening in our communities, in our cities, and around the world. We are a people who are in desperate need of peace. And thankfully, we have a God who can give that to us.

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In Blog, Names of God, Theology on
November 15, 2021

He is Jehovah Nissi

During America’s Civil War, flags were enormously important to soldiers. They were so important that soldiers would sacrifice their lives to protect their flags from enemy capture. State and regional regimental flags were morale builders, and they were a great source of pride for the soldiers. They also had a more practical purpose. Battlefields could get loud and confusing, and it could be easy for regiments to become scattered. So, a regimental flag would mark the position of the regiment and be a visual rallying point for the soldiers to follow.[1]

But America isn’t the only nation who has treasured her flag in battle. Even nations in ancient history would fly their flag or banner at their front lines. Seeing their flag at the front lines would give soldiers a feeling of hope, and it was a focal point for them during their battles.[2]

Shortly after their exodus from Egypt, ancient Israel fought against the Amalekites. During this battle, Moses went up on a hill with his staff. When he held up his hand and staff, Israel prevailed. But if he lowered his hand and staff, the Amalekites prevailed. Two men, Aaron and Hur, went up with Moses to help him hold his hands up during the entire battle. Israel ultimately won the battle and defeated the Amalekites.

“And Moses built an altar and called the name of it, The LORD Is My Banner,” Exodus 17:15, ESV

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In Anxiety, Blog, Theology on
April 26, 2021

Cast Your Cares

One of the greatest struggles in my life is anxiety. I’m constantly asking, “What if?”, and thinking through every situation that could ever possibly happen. But sometimes my anxiety is more than just overthinking and overanalyzing. A couple months ago I got contacts for the first time. When I was trying to practice using contacts, I was having a hard time taking them out, and I could feel my anxiety starting to bubble up. My hands started shaking, I felt light-headed and dizzy, and it was almost hard to breathe.

Maybe you can relate. Maybe you have anxiety that hits you out of nowhere and takes your breath away. Maybe you panic at the thought of potentially awkward social situations, or you overanalyze what your friends or co-workers think of you. Maybe you feel like you just can’t help thinking through the worst-case scenarios. As believers, we’re often taught that we should never feel anxious, and this may make us feel like we’re failing as Christians. But this is not quite what the Bible teaches.

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In Attributes of God, Blog, Theology on
March 15, 2021

He is Omnipotent

You can do anything you put your mind to! You can do anything if you just believe in yourself!

You’ve probably heard these phrases or similar ones thrown around in our culture. While they seem motivating and encouraging on the surface, they are actually not true! I can’t stop a speeding train if I just put my mind to it. I can’t fly or have super speed if I just believe in myself. I can’t do these things because I don’t have the power to do them. Human beings have limited power. But there is Someone who has unlimited power – God.

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In Blog, Names of God, Theology on
February 15, 2021

He is Jehovah Rapha

Don’t you just hate going to the doctor’s office? When I was a kid, I was always afraid to go to the doctor’s office because it seemed like I got a shot every single time I went there. Even today, I avoid it as much as I physically can. Though we often dislike being seen by doctors when we’re sick, we know that their medical advice is often very good for us and our physical health.

We aren’t the only ones who fight against what is good for us.

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