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In Bible Study, Blog, John on
July 31, 2023

The Resurrection and the Life

Perhaps one of the foremost reasons many people who once vaguely believed in God have chosen to turn away from Him is unanswered prayer, particularly prayer for the healing of themselves or a loved one. Some of them may have been taught some version of the prosperity gospel, that if they just prayed enough or had enough faith then they would be healed, only to later discover that the level or strength of their faith seemingly had no effect whatsoever on their circumstances. Others simply have a difficult time reconciling their belief that God is good, loving, gracious, and merciful with the fact that He seems to refuse to heal one of His own. Whatever the particular reason, unanswered prayer for healing has caused many in this day and age to doubt or completely run away from God.

Yet, unanswered prayer is not a modern concept or issue. Even back in biblical times there were people who pleaded to the Lord for healing, and their prayers were not answered, at least not immediately. You can open up God’s Word and find numerous examples: Job, David, Paul—all righteous, God-fearing men who prayed and only received silence in return.

When this happens, when we pray and plead to God and hear only silence, we wonder why. Why would God allow this to happen? Why wouldn’t God do something about this? We know He is all-powerful, sovereign, in control of everything that happens in the universe. Why does He stay silent when His faithful people, His own children suffer?

Though God may often seem silent, the truth is that He is always at work, even when our prayers go unanswered. He is always working for the good of those who love Him and for His own glory. We can see this clearly in John 11.

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In Blog, Book Reviews, Prayer on
May 8, 2023

The Lord’s Prayer

Prayer is one of the most integral disciplines of the Christian life. It’s the practice of humbly approaching the throne of God, communing with our Heavenly Father, praising Him for His goodness, and petitioning Him to provide for our needs and the needs of those around us. We all know how important it is for us, as believers, to pray and to pray often. However, we’re not always that good at it.

Many times, we’ll sit or kneel in a humble posture before our mighty God, ready to bring our prayers and petitions before Him, but we simply can’t think of what to pray for. There are also times when what we pray for seems rather frivolous in the grand scheme of things (I know I’m not the only one who’s prayed for good days, restful nights, and to have success with college exams and work projects).

What is the secret to praying well? Truth be told, it’s not that big of a secret. Jesus clearly laid out how His followers ought to pray and what they should pray for during His famous Sermon on the Mount, and the prayer example He gave has since been dubbed “The Lord’s Prayer.” In Kevin DeYoung’s latest book of the same name, he explores this prayer and explains how Christians can utilize it in their own prayer time.

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In Blog, Prosperity Gospel, Theology on
November 28, 2022

If I Name It, Can I Claim It?

A couple of years ago, I was told to watch a certain video at work to see if would make an appropriate workshop for our family support program. The title of the video said it was about forecasting your life with a vision board. At first, I thought that the short workshop would simply be about making and visualizing your goals so that you can achieve them. But as I worked my way through it, I realized that I was greatly mistaken.

Throughout the video, the speaker described her very positive experiences using a vision board. Basically, she would get a corkboard and fill it with dozens of pictures of things that she wanted in her life. Then, she talked about how all of these things happened or fell into her lap without really having to do anything for them. Knowing that I worked with low-income families and that it was highly improbable that they could receive a luxury vehicle or European vacation by pasting a couple pictures on the wall, I swiftly advised my supervisor that we should not utilize the video.

The idea of making a vision board may sound ridiculous. You may wonder how anyone could believe that cutting out a couple pictures of nice things will lead to actually receiving them. But this kind of belief is actually more common than you might think, even in Christian circles. This belief, which has been dubbed “name it and claim it,” is quite popular in many megachurches across the country, and it is an extremely dangerous view of the Christian faith.

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In Blog, Holy Spirit, Theology on
October 30, 2022

The Holy Ghost

Today is Halloween—the day where it’s all of a sudden acceptable to encourage your kids to stay out after dark and take candy from strangers. I grew up in a conservative, southern Baptist home, so I never really celebrated Halloween. I attended a handful of fall festivals in my childhood years, but I never went trick or treating, or walked through haunted houses, or decorated with spiderwebs and tombstones.

However, I once saw a Halloween decoration that I think my parents could get on board with. It was an outdoor sign made of different pieces of wood that were all painted in a variety of fall colors, and it read, “The only ghost that lives in this house is the Holy Ghost.”

The Holy Ghost, aka the Holy Spirit, can sometimes be a mystery to many believers. Who exactly is the Holy Spirit, and what exactly does He do in the world and in our daily, personal lives? Well, gang, it’s time to hop in the Mystery Machine and grab your Scooby Snacks because we’re about to discover that this Ghost is not as mysterious or daunting as He may seem.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Luke on
July 16, 2022

Jesus Draws Near to the Anxious

We live in a fast-paced world. We’re always busy, busy, busy—jumping from one thing to the next, scrambling to get everything done in time. I know I can relate! My days are so full of working, and writing, and reading, and many other things that some days it feels like I barely have two seconds to stop and take a breath.

Because our lives are so anxious, and busy, and chaotic, we often neglect the tasks that we deem not as important, which sometimes, unfortunately, includes reading the Bible and praying. We all know that reading our Bibles and praying to God are important. But life happens. We have research papers due at 11:59, dirty diapers that need to be changed, reports that need to be turned in first thing. We have early mornings and late nights, and there’s so much going on that those dusty little Bibles on our nightstands just slip from our minds.

This forgetfulness can leave us feeling guilty or ashamed, but we need not lose hope. We can actually be encouraged because the truth is Jesus does not condemn us for forgetting these important daily disciplines. In fact, He does the complete opposite. He draws near to us.

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