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In Blog, Jesus, Theology on
November 17, 2024

The Compassion of Christ

Showing compassion has never been my strong suit. Have you ever taken one of those online spiritual gifts tests? I have—multiple times—and I tend to score very low on the gift of mercy. I’m not quite sure why this is. I’ve never been much of an empathetic person, and I’ve never been one to feel or be in tune with others’ emotions. Compassion just doesn’t always come naturally for me, which can make biblical commands like “put on compassionate hearts” and “bear one another’s burdens” particularly difficult (Galatians 6:2, Colossians 3:12).

But showing compassion is something that I—and every other Christian, for that matter—ought to strive for. Why? It’s not just because Christians are expected to be very nice people, and it’s not just because a couple Bible verses say so (though, that is a good enough reason). We are called to be compassionate because Christ is compassionate. Multiple times in the Gospels, we see Jesus being moved by compassion for the people He ministered to (Matthew 9:36, 14:14; Mark 6:34). As Christians, we ought to imitate our Lord and Savior and show compassion as He did.

Let’s look at three Gospel accounts of Christ’s compassion and what they teach us about Jesus, as well as ourselves.

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In Blog, Jesus, Theology on
March 7, 2022

Jesus the Christ

Contrary to many people’s belief, “Christ” is not the last name of Jesus. “Christ” is actually more of a title, and it’s the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew word “Messiah.” The fact that Jesus is labeled as “the Christ” is significant because it points to Him being the Messiah, the Savior that Israel had longed for and waited for, generation after generation, ever since the Fall of man.

But this title is much more significant than one might initially realize. It also tells us about the work Jesus did during His earthly ministry and the work He continues to do today. The words “Christ” or “Messiah” translate to mean “the Anointed One.” In Israel, there were three offices of authority that were anointed with oil, and Jesus holds all three of them: prophet, priest, and king.

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