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In Bible Study, Blog, Luke on
April 25, 2022

Jesus Draws Near to the Burdened

I do not watch horror movies. I know that some of you are probably flabbergasted that I haven’t and will never watch anything that falls in your favorite movie genre, but I just don’t enjoy horror films. I don’t like the jump scares. I don’t like to be kept up all night worrying that someone or something is going to kill me. And since most horror movies feature some demonic character, I don’t like focusing on these creatures that are very evil and very real.

I think a lot of people can forget that demons are real beings because we don’t typically see obvious examples or evidence of demon possession in today’s world. But they are real, and they have possessed many real people. During His ministry, Jesus encountered many people who were possessed by demons. One of them was a particularly burdened soul who dwelled in the Gentile region of the Gerasenes.

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In Blog, Names of God, Theology on
February 15, 2021

He is Jehovah Rapha

Don’t you just hate going to the doctor’s office? When I was a kid, I was always afraid to go to the doctor’s office because it seemed like I got a shot every single time I went there. Even today, I avoid it as much as I physically can. Though we often dislike being seen by doctors when we’re sick, we know that their medical advice is often very good for us and our physical health.

We aren’t the only ones who fight against what is good for us.

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