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Steven Lawson

In Blog, Common Questions, Theology on
January 2, 2023

Can God Learn, Change, or Adapt?

There seems to be a growing number of people who believe that the God of the Old Testament is not the same God of the New Testament. This belief is not exactly new or revolutionary. It really has been around for centuries, ever since Marcion spouted ideas like this and got excommunicated from the church for being a heretic in the year 144 A.D. But as the years pass by, we are seeing more and more professing believers agree with this sentiment—that the loving and lovable Jesus who arrived on earth in the first century A.D. is not the same God as the fiery and vengeful One of old.

In Ligonier Ministries’ biennial State of Theology survey, they asked both believers and unbelievers whether they believed that “God learns and adapts to different situations.” Forty-eight percent of professing Evangelicals who participated in the survey agreed with this statement.[1] This means that about half of supposedly Bible-believing Christians in this country believe that God is able to and does change over time.

However, this belief is not a biblical one, and as we’ll see in a moment, how we think about this issue has a great impact on our Christian faith.

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In Attributes of God, Blog, Theology on
December 13, 2021

Avengers Disassemble

I am a huge fan of Marvel movies. Ever since the debut of the first Iron Man film in 2008, I’ve been hooked on the lives and stories of the characters within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). I am such a big fan that two years ago during my month-long Christmas break from school I watched all twenty-three movies in the Infinity Saga in the order that they premiered (if you want proof, check out my Marvel Marathon story highlight on Instagram). This year, I’ve watched every new MCU movie in theaters the weekend it released, I’ve seen every episode of the MCU shows on Disney+ (twice!), and I have plans to see the new Spider-Man: No Way Home movie this Saturday.

Marvel fans, myself included, love these movies because the characters are so relatable, and they face challenges that are similar to the ones we struggle with. They inspire us to face our problems head-on and avenge the wrongdoings that occur in our lives. For those with a strong sense of justice, seeking vengeance against evildoers feels good and right, and surely it must be good and right when it is portrayed so positively in superhero movies. However, the Bible tells a different story.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Thanksgiving on
November 22, 2021

But God

When the clock struck midnight on January 1, 2021, people were ecstatic to leave the woes and troubles of 2020 behind. However, it appears that 2020’s issues followed us into 2021 and, in some cases, became even worse. People are still contracting and dying from diseases, often without any family or friends beside them as they take their final breaths. Workers are still being let go from their jobs, even though there is an ongoing nationwide worker shortage. Small businesses are still facing product delays, and the threats of inflation keep rising and rising. Corrupt world leaders are still enacting laws and policies that oppress their constituents, getting bolder and more authoritarian by the day. And many churches are still parroting the slogans and jargon of our secular culture and beginning to move away from biblical Christianity.

With all these things happening in our culture, country, and world, it may seem hard to find something to be thankful for this year. But we, as Christians, have a lot to be thankful for regardless of what’s going on around us. Whenever we’re feeling discouraged or disappointed, we just need to remember two little words: “But God.”

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