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In Blog, Book Reviews, Spiritual Growth on
September 25, 2022

Embrace Your Life

Life was not going as planned.

I graduated with my master’s degree in May last year, and I had planned on getting a full-time job as soon as I was finished. As I neared my final day of classes, I began looking for jobs and submitting applications, but nothing was panning out. After graduation, weeks and months passed by. Holidays and special events came and went, and I still did not have a job. I became depressed and confused as to why I couldn’t find a good job. Thankfully, after ten very long months of waiting and hoping, I finally started in a full-time job, and as I look back, I can see that God moved me out of my old position and into my new one at just the perfect time.

However, not every situation in my life has turned out quite like this. There have many times where I wished and hoped and prayed for something to happen for weeks, months, years. I was absolutely convinced that everything would work out the way I had planned and dreamed. But it never did. My prayers appeared unanswered. My dreams were unfulfilled. And I was left in a perpetual state of longing, wondering what in the world God was doing in my life.

Over the years, I’ve had to learn embrace the life I’ve been given, which is exactly what Elizabeth Woodson’s new book is all about.

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In Blog, Book Reviews, Trust on
December 2, 2019

You Can Trust God to Write Your Story

I LOVE stories! Whether it be in books, movies, or TV shows, I love getting invested in the characters’ lives and stories. For me, reading or watching these stories is almost like an escape from the busyness and craziness of my life.

My favorite types of stories are mysteries and crime dramas. Whodunits always have me on the edge of my seat and my mind scrambling to decipher the clues and discover who the criminal is. If a story has a mystery to figure out, a crime to solve, or a bad guy to catch, I’m interested!

You may not love mysteries and crime dramas like I do, but you probably do have some other book or movie genre that you enjoy and keeps you interested in the story. In whatever stories you read and watch, there’s likely some twists and turns or conflicts that keep you engaged. And while we love these twists and turns in others’ stories, we hate them in our own.

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In Blog, Book Reviews, Identity on
November 4, 2019

If You Only Knew

If you only knew who I am, what I’ve done, you wouldn’t think of me the same way.

Has this thought ever crossed your mind before? I know it’s crossed mine. Sometimes I’m afraid of people knowing me, really knowing me. I try to protect myself by putting up a wall and pretending that I’m the perfect, happy church girl. But I’m not perfect, and life isn’t always happy.

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