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In Blog, Fruit of the Spirit, Theology on
January 15, 2024

Pursuing Peace

With the rise of the internet and social media, our world is much more connected than ever before. While this kind of technology has brought numerous blessings, it’s also been the cause of many curses. With just a tap or a click, we have access to more information that we can imagine—perhaps more information than we truly need. We watch scenes of political unrest unfold in cities across the country. We read articles about the devastation of wars happening halfway around the globe. We see aggravating posts and comments from people who we would never meet in real life. While some might say that this unhindered access to the world’s information is good for us, many others would argue that it is only causing us to be riddled with anxiety.

Regardless of how much time we spend perusing news sites or scrolling on Facebook, we all likely carry some anxiety about what is happening in our communities, in our cities, and around the world. We are a people who are in desperate need of peace. And thankfully, we have a God who can give that to us.

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In Blog, Cultural Christianity, Theology on
October 10, 2022

Should I Really Let Go and Let God?

“You just have to let go and let God.”

You’ve probably heard this phrase before. It’s a particular favorite amongst Christian influencers and megachurch pastors. Let go and let God—the idea of letting go of whatever troubles you in this life and letting God take care of you and your situation. In one sense, this little phrase is a great reminder that we’re not ultimately in control of what goes on in our lives and we need to trust God’s sovereign will.

In another sense, this little phrase can cause major theological errors that greatly affect our faith and relationship with God. Before we share this clever quip with someone or use it to define our own lives, we ought to ask: “Should I really let go and let God?”

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In Blog, Book Reviews, Spiritual Growth on
September 25, 2022

Embrace Your Life

Life was not going as planned.

I graduated with my master’s degree in May last year, and I had planned on getting a full-time job as soon as I was finished. As I neared my final day of classes, I began looking for jobs and submitting applications, but nothing was panning out. After graduation, weeks and months passed by. Holidays and special events came and went, and I still did not have a job. I became depressed and confused as to why I couldn’t find a good job. Thankfully, after ten very long months of waiting and hoping, I finally started in a full-time job, and as I look back, I can see that God moved me out of my old position and into my new one at just the perfect time.

However, not every situation in my life has turned out quite like this. There have many times where I wished and hoped and prayed for something to happen for weeks, months, years. I was absolutely convinced that everything would work out the way I had planned and dreamed. But it never did. My prayers appeared unanswered. My dreams were unfulfilled. And I was left in a perpetual state of longing, wondering what in the world God was doing in my life.

Over the years, I’ve had to learn embrace the life I’ve been given, which is exactly what Elizabeth Woodson’s new book is all about.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Luke on
August 21, 2022

Jesus Draws Near to the Children

We live in a culture that despises children. In 2019, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle vowed to not have more than two children in an effort to fight overpopulation and climate change. This promise was applauded by mainstream media and society, and they were even given an award with a $695 prize for their “enlightened decision.”[1]

Harry and Meghan are not the only couple who has pledged to limit their number of children or to even never have children at all. Those who do get unexpectedly pregnant are often told that the child inside their womb will only ruin their lives and are paid to get rid of it, even if it requires them to cross state lines to do so. Many women who do carry their children to term participate in what has been dubbed “toxic mommy culture,” where they regularly complain about, curse at, and try to get away from their kids (and for some reason, always need a glass of wine to get through the day). And the kids who somehow survived climate hysteria, abortion, and toxic mommy culture are often indoctrinated in radical gender and sexuality ideology in what they read in picture books, what they watch on TV, and what they’re taught in the classroom.

Like I said, our culture no longer appears to value children. To our society, children are only good for what they can do for them or their cause or their agenda. In all honesty, our view of children is not all that different from that of ancient Israel when Jesus walked on this earth.

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In Acts, Bible Study, Blog on
August 8, 2022

Full of Faith

Twenty-three years ago, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold entered Columbine High School armed with guns and explosives, killing thirteen people and injuring over twenty others. The Columbine massacre was a tragedy that affected the entire nation, and people today still grieve the lives that were lost that fateful April day. The first victim to be shot and killed was a seventeen-year-old Christian girl named Rachel Joy Scott. A fellow student who survived the attack claimed that Rachel was asked a question moments before her death— “Do you still believe in your God?”

In 2016, I went to the movie theater with some other girls in my youth group and watched I’m Not Ashamed, a movie based on Rachel’s life and death. When the movie ended, I came to the realization that we live in a world where one day someone could put a gun to my head and tell me to deny God or die. I resolved that day that if I ever were threatened harm or death because of my faith, I would never deny my Savior.

It’s hard for us to imagine that this could ever happen to us, but Rachel Joy Scott is neither the first nor the last Christian to die because of her belief in Jesus. As followers of Christ, it should be expected that we face hardship and persecution (John 16:33). The world hates us because it hated Jesus first, but we shouldn’t let that stop us from proclaiming the truth of the gospel (Matthew 10:32-33). There’s no better example of this than Stephen in the book of Acts.

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