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In Bible Study, Blog, Colossians on
April 27, 2020

With Him

“In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, buried with Christ in baptism, raised to walk in newness of life.”

Baptism is one of the two ordinances that was instituted by Jesus during His life on this earth and is practiced by the Church today (the other being communion). The act of baptism, being immersed in a body of water and being raised up out of it, is an outward symbol of an inward event – salvation, the death of the old self and the birth of the new self.

When pastors perform a baptism, they say something like the quote at the top of this blog – “buried with Christ in baptism, raised to walk in newness of life.” Those, like myself, who have been attending church since childhood tend to not pay attention to these words. We hear them, but we hear them so often that we usually don’t contemplate their meaning or origin.

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