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In Bible Study, Blog, Daniel on
October 12, 2020

Sovereign Over Government

As the U.S. presidential election draws nearer, it seems like tensions have never been higher. In our society today, many people will write you off and despise you as soon as they find out which political party you side with. They assume you’re some terrible, awful person based on which candidate you’ve chosen to vote for. Some are saying that this election is the most important and most critical election there has ever been in America, and they’re saying that if the guy from the other side wins, America as we know it will be destroyed.

In this time of extreme darkness, hatred, and negativity, I believe we, as believers, need encouragement from the Word of God. And today’s encouragement comes from the book of Daniel.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Daniel on
May 18, 2020

We Will Not Bow

Our society today pushes a lot of ideas on us that they want us to accept and affirm. They want us to accept and affirm that all religions and belief systems are equally true and that every person should “live their truth.” They want us to accept and affirm that gender is fluid and that same-sex-attracted people should be able be together and get married. They want us to accept and affirm that fetuses are merely clumps of cells and that a woman should have the choice to get rid of those pesky cells (it is her body, right?).

All of these ideas clearly go against the truth we find in God’s Word, so we, as Christians, should not and cannot accept or affirm them. As Paul said, we are not to “be conformed to this world” (Romans 12:2, ESV). But this is easier said than done. When we refuse to affirm these worldly ideas, we’re labeled as hateful bigots, and it’s possible we may receive malicious messages, physical attacks, or even death threats. But this is not a new problem.

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