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In Bible Study, Blog, Job on
August 17, 2020

My Redeemer Lives

Many would say that the past five months have been the worst five months of their lives. They’ve been furloughed or fired from their jobs. They’ve been trying to scrape enough money together to pay their bills and put food on the table. They’ve had to figure out how to work full time at home while also homeschooling and taking care of their kids. Their businesses have been destroyed or gone bankrupt. Their cities have burned. They’ve been unable to go to churches, weddings, and funerals. They’ve been unable to get medical treatments or procedures done. They’ve been struggling with severe anxiety and depression. They’ve lost loved ones to suicide or disease, and they weren’t even able to say goodbye to them. Throughout this pandemic and time of division, things have seemed to get worse and worse and worse.

If any of this rings true in your life, you could probably relate to Job.

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