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In Blog, Book Reviews, Womanhood on
August 29, 2022

Cultural Counterfeits

We’ve been lied to.

For decades, women have been told that it’s up to them to create their identities, that they can be whomever they want to be. It doesn’t matter what your body tells you. It’s your mind that is the real you, and you ought to change your body to match your mind if you really want to live a happy and fulfilled life on this earth.

But this is completely untrue. Our bodies and our minds should not be at war with each other. They are both equal parts of who we are as women, and they both are equally valuable in informing who we are and what we are like. We can’t just be whoever we want to be and do whatever we want to do, even if this means going against the identity that we’ve constructed in our heads. Our culture has made so many of these kinds of promises to women, but they have all fallen short and come up empty.

We are made for more. We need the truth. And as Jen Oshman writes in her new book, we ought to cast aside these cultural counterfeits and lies the world has offered us.

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In Blog, Book Reviews, Womanhood on
August 31, 2020

(A)Typical Woman

I am very thankful for the first-wave feminists. I’m thankful for women like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucretia Mott who fought hard for women’s rights in America, especially the right to vote.[1]Without their efforts, who knows what living in America as a woman would be like.

Sadly, the feminism movement has morphed into something that is completely different and ungodly. If you were to attend a feminist march or rally today, you are likely to hear women celebrating abortion, worshipping themselves, trashing men, and affirming both lesbianism and transgenderism. And these ideas are not just at the rallies. They’ve become present on social media, in the news, and even in the books of some “Christian” teachers. With all these ungodly and unbiblical ideals being thrown at us all the time, how are we to know what it really means to be woman?

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