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In Blog, Book Reviews, Busyness on
July 17, 2023

All Who Are Weary

Busyness seems to be the hallmark of our society. Everybody is busy. Everybody is quickly moving from one thing to the next, barely having a moment to just pause and take a breath. Our daily schedules are packed full, and if we aren’t constantly doing something, we feel as if we won’t be able to accomplish everything we need or want to do.

But after a while, this constant busyness begins to weigh us down. We become tired, weary, burdened by all the priorities and responsibilities we’ve put upon ourselves. And when we allow this weariness to fester in our lives without seeking any rest or relief, it often morphs into anxiety, depression, or a host of other negative side effects.

As believers, we don’t have to sit in this weariness. We don’t have to stay in the anxiety and depression because we have a Savior who loves us, and cares for us, and who has offered to take our burdens upon Himself. What exactly does this look like? Well, Sarah Hauser elaborates on this process in her new book, All Who Are Weary.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Luke on
January 31, 2022

Jesus Draws Near to the Powerless

I cannot imagine what it must be like to never be able to walk or run. I cannot fathom what it must feel like to never be able to stand up and stretch and move around. As a person who likes to be in control of her life, I can’t conceive how frustrated I would be and how powerless I would feel that I couldn’t do normal, everyday tasks, like buying groceries, or putting on clothes, or going to the bathroom.

It can be easy for able-bodied people to take these things for granted, to forget how many things we need our legs for. I thank God that He has blessed me with legs that can run, walk, bend, stretch, skip, jump, crouch, and squat. But the unimaginable, the unfathomable, the inconceivable, the frustrating powerlessness is a reality for many people, including the paralyzed man in Luke 5.

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In Blog, Fruit of the Spirit, Theology on
December 30, 2019

Choose Joy

What was your word of the year for 2019?

A word of the year can be two different things. It can be a word you choose to define the upcoming year – kind of like a resolution of sorts. Or it can be a word that describes or summarizes your previous year.

The word of the year I chose for myself at the beginning of 2019 was “abide”. My goal or resolution for this past year was to abide with God. I wanted to be more dedicated to a daily quiet time, and I wanted to be intentional about reading theology and Christian living books. I wanted to learn more and more about God every day.

And while I want to continue abiding with God this new year, I chose to have a new word of the year for 2020. The word I chose is joy.

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