In Blog, Fruit of the Spirit, Theology on
December 30, 2019

Choose Joy

What was your word of the year for 2019?

A word of the year can be two different things. It can be a word you choose to define the upcoming year – kind of like a resolution of sorts. Or it can be a word that describes or summarizes your previous year.

The word of the year I chose for myself at the beginning of 2019 was “abide”. My goal or resolution for this past year was to abide with God. I wanted to be more dedicated to a daily quiet time, and I wanted to be intentional about reading theology and Christian living books. I wanted to learn more and more about God every day.

And while I want to continue abiding with God this new year, I chose to have a new word of the year for 2020. The word I chose is joy.

Anxiety and depression are things I have really struggled with the past few years. I also can have a tendency to become pessimistic or to complain about certain circumstances I find myself in. I’ve realized that I need to work on fighting for joy.

Joy is not just having happy feelings. It’s more than a feeling. Joy is not just being optimistic for no apparent reason. It’s rooted in more.

“Joy is a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence and hope.” (1)

Joy is a choice. A choice to be content, confident, and hopeful no matter what. As Christians, our joy is found in our God and what He has done for us. The joy of the Lord is our strength, and in His presence, there is fullness of joy (Nehemiah 8:10, Psalm 16:11). God sent His Son to die for our sins and give us eternal life. Because of this, we can have hope, we can have confidence, we can be content in our circumstances, and we can choose joy! The Bible encourages us to “Count it all joy” in tests and trials and to “Rejoice in the Lord always” (James 1:2, Philippians 4:4, 1 Thessalonians 5:16).

So, this year I will not allow anxiety or depression to rule my life. This year I will strive to not complain or be pessimistic. I will fight for contentment, confidence, and hope. In the new year, I will “go out in joy” (Isaiah 55:12). Will you?

“This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24, ESV

1. “Joy,” Theopedia, accessed November 28, 2019,

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