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In Blog, Heresies, Theology on
April 3, 2022

Test the Spirits

Everyone is trying to sell us something, whether it be on YouTube ads, interstate billboards, or commercials during the nightly news. Forbes reported in 2017 that the average American is exposed to four thousand to ten thousand ads every single day.[1] Everybody wants to convince us that their product or message will make our lives easier, better, or more enjoyable.

And this isn’t limited to secular media outlets. Even our pastors and churches feed us different messages every week. Many of these messages are rooted in the Word of God and are edifying and uplifting. However, there are also messages being delivered by “pastors” every week that are not rooted in Scripture, that are not truly edifying, and that actually lead people away from the truth of the gospel. Because of this, we must be like the Bereans, examining the Bible to see if what we are hearing lines up with God’s Word (Acts 17:11), and test the spirits (1 John 4:1).

To help you test the messages you’re hearing and discern whether what you’re being taught is biblical truth, I’ve compiled a brief list of nine heresies that originated in the early church and are still popular today and how the Bible disproves them.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Isaiah on
December 20, 2021

A Child is Born

Christmas is a busy time of year. It’s a time of baking cookies, hosting holiday parties, and singing all of your favorite Christmas carols. It’s a time of wrapping presents, drinking hot chocolate, and last-minute shopping for that one family member you didn’t know was coming into town. It’s a time of hanging lights, decorating trees, and watching classic films, like Home AloneChristmas with the Kranks, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. For some, Christmastime is filled with joy and cheer. For others, Christmastime is filled with stress and exhaustion.

No matter what life stage or season we’re in, we all have busy schedules at the end of each year, and we all get to a point where it feels like there is so much to do and so little time to do it all in. But as we attempt to fit in all the festivities and events, we miss something. We forget that Christmas is about more than the gifts and the music and the décor. It’s a day when we are to celebrate the birth of a child. And not just any child, but the Son of God.

What is so special about this child? Why does this boy named Jesus deserve our focus, our reverence, our worship? We can discover the answers to these questions by consulting a roughly 2,700-year-old Jewish prophecy written by a man named Isaiah.

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In Bible Study, Blog, Job on
August 17, 2020

My Redeemer Lives

Many would say that the past five months have been the worst five months of their lives. They’ve been furloughed or fired from their jobs. They’ve been trying to scrape enough money together to pay their bills and put food on the table. They’ve had to figure out how to work full time at home while also homeschooling and taking care of their kids. Their businesses have been destroyed or gone bankrupt. Their cities have burned. They’ve been unable to go to churches, weddings, and funerals. They’ve been unable to get medical treatments or procedures done. They’ve been struggling with severe anxiety and depression. They’ve lost loved ones to suicide or disease, and they weren’t even able to say goodbye to them. Throughout this pandemic and time of division, things have seemed to get worse and worse and worse.

If any of this rings true in your life, you could probably relate to Job.

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In Attributes of God, Blog, Theology on
October 21, 2019

He is Eternal

Ten out of ten humans living on this earth right now will die one day. Because of this, many, if not most, people try in some way, shape, or form to delay their aging and/or death. Some exercise thirty minutes a day for five days a week, or they participate in CrossFit or yoga. Others try diets like Whole30 or Keto, and they cut out things like carbs, sugar, or gluten. Some buy myriads of anti-aging creams, and others color their hair to cover up their grays. None of these things last. Unless the Lord decides to return during our lifetimes, we will die. But humans aren’t the only things that die. All living things die: animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. There is one Being, though, who has never died, and He was never born either. That Being is God the Father.

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