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In Bible Study, Blog, Ruth on
December 16, 2024

Refuge and Redeemer

Everybody loves a good underdog story. There’s nothing like watching the unlikeliest of individuals persevere through their difficulties, defy all odds, and come out the other side as victors or heroes. We find these types of tales all throughout Scripture. Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers and falsely accused of trying to take advantage of his master’s wife before he became second in command to the Egyptian Pharaoh. David was just a young shepherd boy with no battle training, and yet he managed to slay a giant who defied the true and living God. Paul was a murderer of Christians before he received a vision of Christ and converted, and despite the many difficulties he encountered after his conversion, he is known today are one of the earliest and greatest Christian evangelists. Though these three men (and many more throughout the Bible) overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles, they did not do so on their own. They each were empowered by the Lord who filled them with strength and provided for their needs. It was the Lord who redeemed them.

There’s another underdog story in the Bible that has been especially popular amongst Christian woman. It’s a story of a young Moabite widow who, though she endured much suffering and heartache, ended up playing a much bigger role in God’s redemptive plan than she ever could have imagined.

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In Blog, Cultural Christianity, Theology on
December 26, 2022

Does God Give Us More Than We Can Handle?

Don’t you worry—God won’t give you more than you can handle.

Has anyone ever said this to you before? That God won’t give you more than you can handle? The phrase sounds nice, and the people who say it are usually well-meaning. But it’s really not all that helpful. We all go through seasons of life where we certainly feel like we’ve been given more than we can handle. Whether we’re living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to find work or our spouse or child is dealing with a troubling diagnosis, it can sometimes seem like God is not holding up His end of the bargain.

Is it true what these well-meaning believers say? Will God never give us more than we can handle?

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In Blog, Prayer, Theology on
April 17, 2022

Prayer Basics

Without communication, a relationship will never survive. I’ve had many friendships fade away because I just lost contact with them. And the same is true with other kinds of relationships, too. Marriages that lack communication often end in divorce. Miscommunication between bosses and employees tend to result in missed deadlines and uncompleted tasks. Parents who never communicate or cultivate relationships with their children are often estranged from them later in life.

Our relationship with God is no different. While a lack of communion with God won’t end in divorce or loss of relationship, forsaking practices like prayer and Bible reading can hinder one’s fellowship with God, making them feel like God is far away from them. Bible reading is a fairly straightforward discipline, and it’s rather easy to recognize how God speaks to us through His Word. But many Christians struggle with prayer. Who do we pray to? When should we pray? What should we pray for? Even people who have been believers for years are asking these questions, and all of them and more will be answered in this Prayer Basics post!

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In Bible Study, Blog, Psalm on
March 27, 2022

Truly Blessed

The word “blessed” has become somewhat of a cliche in our society. Its meaning has become synonymous with social media posts of beautiful family portraits, expensive vacations, and amazing opportunities, all with the caption of #blessed. When someone says they are #blessed, they are usually referring to all the good things in their life that they have earned or received.

But what if you don’t have these good things? What if your family situation isn’t that beautiful? What if you’re struggling financially, living paycheck to paycheck, never able to go anywhere special or do anything nice? What if you feel like everyone is moving on and moving up in their lives, except you? Does this mean that you’re somehow #notblessed, that God doesn’t care about you enough to give you some of these good things?

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In Blog, Names of God, Theology on
July 5, 2021

He is Jehovah-Raah

Sheep aren’t exactly known for being smart. They are defenseless against predators. They can get stuck on their backs. They can’t swim, so they can easily sink and drown in water. They can eat grass down to its roots, which destroys whatever pasture they’re in. Sheep have even been known to walk off cliffs. This is why shepherds are so important! The shepherd watches over his sheep constantly and protects them from predators. Sheep know their shepherd’s voice and follow him to safety and green pastures. If a sheep falls on its back, the shepherd sets them back up on their feet. Sheep are completely dependent on their shepherd.[1]And this leads us to an amazing truth about God-

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